A Final Walk-through Checklist

Before buying a home one of the most worthwhile things a prospective buyer can do is to perform a final overview of the home. Though not an official inspection, walking through the home one more time before closing can be critical to making the right decision.

One of the most important things is to make sure you are getting what you are paying for. Make sure the house is the way that you agreed. This walk through can allow you to decide whether anything is in worse condition than you agreed upon or if the proper renovations were made.

The following are things to focus on when performing your final overview:

1. Lighting and electricity - Make sure to flip the switches and make sure everything performs properly.

2. Plumbing - Check under the counters for leaking pipes and make sure the water is running correctly.

3. Garage doors - Make sure they open and close correctly, and if there is a door opener make sure that it is in working order.

4. Toilets - Flush them all to make sure all the plumbing is working.

5. Garbage disposal - test that it is working and draining properly.

6. Hardware - Make sure that items such as hinges or handles are repaired.

A good idea for the final overview is to prepare a list of your own to take with you. This way you make sure not to forget anything.

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