Acai Berries and You. How To Enjoy Them, What they Contain, and What Benefits they Bring

Various ways exist to enjoy acai berries and gain their benefits. Please read on.

Ways to Enjoy Acai Berries

Acai berries are native to Brazil. They cannot generally be transported to other places fresh because they spoil soon after being picked from the acai palm. The most common way to enjoy acai berries is in juice form. In addition, freeze-dried concentrate may be turned into delicious puree or supplement pills.

Acai Berry Nutrients

Acai berry contains such nutrients as antioxidants, wholesome fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins A, B1, and E. Perhaps as importantly, these berries have very little sugar. This means that you get a wholesome, delicious snack without the usual heap of sugar that tags along.

Acai Berry Benefits

The dietary fiber present in acai helps regulate your digestive system and flush out toxins. The antioxidants protect your cells from premature aging and other effects of free radicals. In fact, acai pulp is expressly recommended for cancer and cardiac patients because of its antioxidant effects and its ability to lower cholesterol.

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