What Everyone Should Know about Acai

Called by some "the most perfect food in nature," the acai ("a-sigh-EE") berry is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which play a role in better nutrition and overall well-being. Because the berries are delicate, acai is generally transported in a processed state.

Acai's Health Benefits

From its high levels of vitamins--including B1, B2, C, and E--to its potassium, calcium, and iron content, acai has many key ingredients necessary for optimal health. In addition, acai contains critical fatty acids as well as protein, fiber, and antioxidants. All of these components help to boost energy levels, fight disease, and even assist in weight loss.

Weight Loss Role

Because of its ability to boost energy and its antioxidant properties, acai can aid in weight loss endeavors. As the acai berries help to improve digestive health, more nutrients can be absorbed by the body. The fiber content helps the body feel full longer, which helps reduce the amount of food consumed. As appetite decreases and energy levels increase, those who use acai regularly see positive strides toward weight loss goals.

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