Classic Door Hanger Marketing for Hotels

Hotels Request Input For More Improved Service

In the hotel industry Door Hangers are a major marketing tool used for hotel input and for communication between the guest and hotel workers. Door hangers can be beneficial in multiple ways. They can showcase special activities and dining specials directly to the customer, with an "in their face" suggestion. Door hangers can cater to any guest of any age and meet various guests' interests.

Door hangers are easily mass-produced and are fairly inexpensive to change as needed. They are a non-verbal communication method that reaches through the door and directly to the guest.

Some of the amenities the hotel features may be displayed on a door hanger to get guests interested to stay on the hotel grounds and possibly spend more cash there. These door hangers are full color, and have stunning graphics used to excite the guest. They can also be a general black and white (two color) scheme used for the basic information of water usage and how the guest can help lower their personal usage. Somewhere between the two extremes may be a door hanger that promotes the guest ordering room service, and have a illustrating graphic.

The key to door hangers working in a hotel environment is its design. It has to be well crafted enough to be both decorative as well as catchy enough so the guest wants to look it over. Also going into the intricate design is how long lasting the make of the door hanger is physically is important. Door hangers can be produced on many types of paper, and the most up to date technology and printing yields the optimal results.

Door Hanger Advertising

Door Hangers can be a direct local marketing concept that is useful and cost effective. Door hangers are easy to create, cheap to distribute, and are an in your face way to make your company or product stand out. They are not as common as "junk mail," and are more likely to make their way inside the door of a home or business and get a second look as well. They are also easy to distribute as a small group of employees are capable of hanging them, and it can be done by walking and limited driving.

There are some disadvantages to door hangers, however and the main one dealis with the uncontrollable factor of weather. Door hangers have to be produced well enough to endure the elements as well as being designed to catch the targets eye. They also are not effective for large targeted area, but rather a few blocks or a small neighborhood. Door hangers also limit the quantity of use of each design. If the target sees the same door hanger repeatedly, it becomes "junk mail," thus losing its effectiveness.

If door hangers are not effective the first time several factors need to be evaluated and altered in order to improve its marketing. You must first make sure your hanger made it through the weather legibly. Be sure the paper did not fall apart, and the printing was readable. Also, the physical design must accommodate the door knobs where they are to be left. Another factor is competition; who is marketing your target as well, and are the two of you using the same idea for advertising. This becomes important as to effectiveness which is also difficult to determine and document when using door hanger marketing.

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