What Are Back Links and Why Do I Need Them?

To get more people to your website, you need to tell people about it. The best way for web surfers to find you is to be referred from another site.

Independent Website Links

There are many ways to get your link on another site. It can be very time consuming but it is a tried and tested fact that it works. Article directories and blogging on other sites that have subject matter similar to yours are a few suggestions to get your links out there. Search engines like this type of link building because they are coming from unrelated IP addresses.

Your Own Web Network

Some webmasters own hundreds of domain names and want to create their own referral system within. The most important fact when resorting to this is to have separate IP addresses for each one. If search engines find out they are all from one IP address, you risk your sites of being removed from the index. That would defeat your purpose.

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article written for Traffic Booster Sites