Fees for Cosmetic Dentristry Services

For someone in need of cosmetic dentistry, the after effects can be profound. However, if the procedure qualifies as something purely cosmetic, normal dental plans won't cover the necessary costs. The costs involved in cosmetic dentistry, as many are aware, can be quite high.

Two of the more common cosmetic dental procedures are discussed below.

Dental implants are a long term solution in which the dentist takes a titanium screw and uses it as a prosthetic root. The dentist implants the titanium screw into the jaw with a synthetic tooth molded on top of it. Now people don't have to live with missing teeth or holes in their smiles, all because of dental implants.

Dental bonding is another common cosmetic dental procedure. The dentist uses a composite made of resin that can be sculpted onto a chipped or cracked tooth to make the tooth look as if nothing had happened to it.

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