Go With the Pro for the Best Possible Smile

Electing to get braces to straighten your crooked teeth is a big decision in both time and money. You will make many appointments to see the orthodontist for adjustments and corrections. Therefore, it is important that you are at ease around your dentist, and that you both trust his work and have verified that he is certified and licensed to do the work that he does. Doing some investing in advance can save you a whole lot of emotional and financial pain later.

Ensure you get your braces installed by a professional trained in the science. Some practicing dentists say they can install braces, but haven't had the additional years of training undertaken by an orthodontist, so they may not necessarily know what they're doing, and may in fact make things worse rather than better. Spend the extra money to have the dental work done right the first time.

It would be unusual to find an orthodontist practicing without certification or a license, so checking up on them would seem like a waste of time. Regrettably, there are unscrupulous people everywhere, and you can't afford to even take a slight chance with something so costly and valuable as your teeth. Consult with the American Association of Orthodontists and verify that your dentist is on the list as a certified orthodontist. Also consult with your state board of professional licensure and verify that he is licensed to practice in the state. If either one of these two don't check out, report him to the authorities at both boards and find a new dentist.

As a final verification, see if your orthodontist has remained up to date on the latest technologies since he received his certification. Consult local records to ensure there are no lawsuits pending against him. Once you talk to him, ask him how he keeps up with the latest advancements, and ask him to show you around the patient rooms and show you some of the modern devices he uses. Before you leave, have a look at the office area. Make sure it is neat and well-organized, that the staff is dressed and looks professional, and have a courteous and business-like attitude. If you are concerned about any one thing in particular, move on. It's not worth the negative impact on your health.

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