Texas Fun for All Travelers

Even if you live in Texas and are bored because you think you have seen and tried everything, think again. Galveston offers many amusing things to do, including a port where you can take cruises to the Caribbean through the Gulf of Mexico, or even the Galveston area itself. Do your research on the internet to find some of these all inclusive adventures. You may have to shell out for drinks, but these trips come in 3 day, 4 day, and 7 day sessions that leave right from Galveston.

Galveston is also one of the top birding locations in the U.S. and even if you don’t enjoy bird watching it is hard not to appreciate the beauty and variety of bids Galveston has to offer. Birds migrate from Central and South America as well as Canada, and always make the stop in Galveston because of the plentiful food and great habitat.

You will see many unusual birds, and Galveston is home to many wetland and water loving species that can be seen year round. Check out the local festival every Spring called the Galveston FeatherFest, and make sure you go to the local Tourist Information Center to retrieve maps and knowledge about the best birding locations, and tours. Usually there are over 100 activities and tours that available in a 3 day period. And don’t forget the photo lessons that are offered to help you edit and implement those great bird pictures you captured on your visit!

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