See How Easily Your Insurance Website Competes with the Big Boys

According to recent data, if you search for a local insurance company you are more likely to find a link to a national chain than any geniuine local insurance company. What does that mean to you? You need to find a way to enhance your visibility when it comes to search engines, because if you haven't been bumped down the search results, then you could be in the near future-- if you don't act now!

The key doesn't even have to be getting to the very top of the web search results page; it is getting towards the top. If you are on the first page you are exponentially more likely to be seen than if you are somewhere down the list or a few pages deep. The good news is it's actually fairly easy to get your page towards the top!

The first step you need to follow is to create a website optimization plan. Just by changing a few keywords and tags that are built directly into the website, you could easily change your website visits by hundreds if not thousands of viewers. The key is to research which keywords you need to change, because while marketers know how to build a visually pleasing website, not many understand search engine optimization yet.

The second step you need to learn about is an efficient link building campaign. If you can include hundreds of back links onto your website (which will never even be seen by the viewer) then you will have added even more items for your website to rank even on the search results page.

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article written for Traffic Booster Sites