It Will Take All of Your Learned Karate Discipline To Be Successful In a Street Fight

Karate is a valuable martial arts training program that will improve your strength, agility, focus, discipline, and ability to make up endless combinations of moves. Unfortunately, karate isn't the be-all end-all in every situation. If you find yourself trapped in a street fight, for example, your karate training will not help as much as you want it to. That's because in karate, contests and sparring battles are structured, and have rules. On the street, it's pretty much anything goes, and nobody cares about your stance if they're wielding a knife.

Karate training will give you the strength, agility, and stamina to defend yourself well. And if you can stay in close contact, you can use your karate moves to effectively beat down your opponents. But in a street fight, you're caught off guard, your heart starts pumping, your adrenaline level shoots up, and you're not sure who may be behind you or off to the side that also intends to harm you. In cases like this, as with almost any other self-defense situation, you are just trying to immobilize your opponents long enough to escape. Staying to fight on after you've knocked them down is pointless. Your goal is to get away from the attackers without injury.

Martial art training was really never meant to battle street fighters. It was designed to fend off thieves, muggers, other bad elements in a one-on-one situation. Being surrounded by a street gang is not one of those occasions. In a street fight, you do what you have to do to survive. Your karate training will come in handy as you execute combinations of moves and hits on your attackers, but don't expect an "attack, counterattack" fight. Use all of the moves you can to give yourself room, and get out.

The morals and discipline learned in karate teach you to not inflict unnecessary injury or pain on your enemy. The art also teaches you to fight fair. But for that to work, both sides must fight fair. When your opponents are willing to do whatever it takes to take you out, you must be prepared in the same manner.

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