Mineral Supplements and Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid, a derivative of humic acid, is part of the compound group called humates. These humates are formed in the process of plants decomposing organic material found in soil. Fulvic acid dissolves soil minerals so that plants can utilize them.

Fulvic Acid in Supplements

Because of its ability to break down minerals into a usable size, fulvic acid is gaining attention as a dietary supplement. Minerals used in supplements are larger in size than the minerals that are found naturally in food sources. The body has difficulty fully absorbing these larger minerals into the bloodstream. Fulvic acid makes those minerals more usable by the human body and it can act as a catalyst for the body to use those minerals--and vitamins--more efficiently.

Fulvic Acid as an Antioxidant

Antioxidants have long been recognized for their ability to bid to free radicals in the body, allowing for the elimination of these harmful compounds. Researchers are studying fulvic acid's ability to do the same. Free radicals, when left in the system, contribute to cell damage, so our ability to rid ourselves of them is critical to overall long-term health. Antioxidants are credited with slowing down the aging process and boosting the immune system.

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