Office Employee by day, Night Club promoter by night

After a tedious week, there is nothing like going to a nice night club with your friends. But which night club do you travel to? There are so many attractive options available, and ultimately the choice is influenced by how 'popular' the night club/lounge in question is.

The question is how does a night club become popular? Most often the popularity of these clubs gets modified by word of mouth. Colleagues telling colleagues, friends telling friends, and before you know it the club has generated enough business to sustain for some time. Some clubs gain more popularity when celebrities initiate visiting. The paparazzi follow them, and if they visit a particular club, it is substantial news. Promotion of these clubs is a good option if you are looking to do something on the side, other than your regular desk job.

How to Start?

Prepare a resume, and visit the club of your preference. Sell your promotional designs to the management and you are on the roll.

Build Hype

Hand out flyers, pass out free tickets, hop on the social media bandwagon and promote the club by joining communities, leave delightful comments on blogs and tweets. The more inventive way you promote your club, chances are the more traffic you will generate.

Keep the excitement going?

When you have gotten the ball moving, keep the rush going by organizing private parties at the club. Of course, you need to have management consent first, and you need a bunch of people willing to come! This can comfortably be achieved by having free drinks night. You may have to pay out of your pocket, but when the system is in place you are looking at a neat $500 check. Not awful for something on the side.

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