Perfecting the Martial Arts Ensures Focus Down the Road For Children

There's no doubt about it; children of today do not have the focus, energy, and drive that previous generations had. Blame it on TV, or video games, or the internet, or just plain old instant gratification if you want, but it doesn't really matter. If we expect our children to grow up with ambition and skill, we as parents have to push them there. They won't go willingly. And one great way to do that is to introduce them to the martial arts.

There are many different martial arts programs, each with a different philosophy, style of defense, and training regimen, but one thing that they all have in common is the need to focus. Learning a new mode requires repetition and concentration, and learning new moves and skills are necessary to progress to higher levels. They combine agility skills with defensive and counter-offensive fighting moves, and promote healthy competition among the students. Students can train to participate in matches, or just for the honor of getting the next belt as a reward for their hard work, skill, and knowledge.

Probably the most encouraging part of the martial arts for children is that they get to progress at their own pace, and compete with others of their same skill level. There's incentive to try and master the skills at a particular level, or to choose to advance slowly and instead work on perfecting the moves required for that level before moving on. The skills tests are judged in a public forum, and students are awarded the next level belt when they've successfully proven those skills to the masters.

Once the children get in the habit of focusing and training, they will carry those skills with them for the rest of their lives. They will understand what it means to achieve a goal, what competition is all about, and how it feels to succeed. It's a far cry from running from the police in their PS3 game.

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