Relax! Mastering Relaxation with Taekwondo

Many beginners and novices in Taekwondo try to put forth too much exertion in a move and will literally try too hard. If you master a technique, you will know that there is such a thing as too much effort. You must be controlled as well as powerful in all of your moves, because what good is any punch lunge or kick if you miss or throw yourself off balance?

Some of the most talented Taekwondo masters are able to appear almost as if they are relaxed. They appear as if they aren't exerting any effort at all. In fact, some of the best athletes in the world are able to perform their craft smoothly because when you tense muscles too tightly, you often limit your muscles' range of motion. In other words, you burn up all your energy and flex so tightly that you can't even execute your move.

Obviously it can be quite hard to start something new and be nervous without tensing up. It is extremely difficult and sometimes almost impossible to do because if you focus on not tensing up, you can become nervous. That will lead to more tensing up. Another reason why it’s difficult to stay away from is because your body's fight or flight mechanism kicks in due to the adrenaline. This is a physiological response to a stimulus, so clearly it is difficult to avoid tensing up when this happens. The best advice I can make is to continue to practice and continue to relax. Everyone is a beginner at one point or another, and when they finally settle down into their role, it becomes a lot easier to loosen up during execution.

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