Limit Your Alcohol Consumption at the Single's Bars

If you want to meet women, the only way to do it is to go to where they are and mingle. Drum up conversation. One of the best places to meet women that might have similar interests to yours is in a single's bar. Many people don't like to go to them because they have a negative connotation, but slowly, as singles are realizing that there's nowhere else to go, they are migrating back. If you haven't been to one lately, it's definitely worth the trip. There are a lot of smart, funny, attractive women there, and they're looking for the same thing you are - that one-in-a-million chance that they'll hook up someone who shares their loves and tastes and can help get them away from this scene. They're not there to mingle and chill out with their friends. They could do that at home.

You probably want to know some tips for meeting women in a singles bar. How is it that some men are able to attract women, while others turn them off? It's really not a secret at all. It relates more to being a normal human being. For starters, if you need alcohol to loosen you up and make you more able to talk to women, have a drink or two before you go, and then leave it behind at the bar in favor of soda or water. One of the most disgusting things to women at a singles bar is having a sloppy drunk dude falling all over them. If you can't have an intelligent conversation, stay home.

The next tip is to dress like you normally dress. Don't try to look like a country music star or an American Idol finalist even if those tight pants make your butt look good. Otherwise, dress sharply, but dress like yourself. No, your style won't attract every woman in the bar, but why should it? You don't want every woman in the bar, you just want the one who will like you for who you are. Until you get to talking, everything the woman knows about you is 100% physical, so it might as well be genuine. It will save a lot of heartache later on.

Finally, the last yet most important piece of advice: You will get rejected. Suck it up. Think about it: if you're looking for that one-in-a-million match, there are 999,999 other women who are going to turn you down or laugh in your face. That's a lot of crushing blows to the ego, but just as you stood and scanned the crowd to locate someone you wanted to talk to, so did everyone else, and it will less than often be you. If you get rejected, don't give up. If you can't stand it and want to drown your sorrows in liquor, don't do it there, or you'll really embarrass yourself.

The main key to meeting women in singles bars is straightforward: Be honest, be true to yourself, dress like yourself, and don't be a baby when you get turned down.

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