The New Multi-Purpose Tool for Better Health: Noni Juice

Research continues on noni fruit and the medicinal qualities of the increasingly-popular noni juice; experts are still unsure of exactly how it works, but many will attest that it does work. One of the best potential uses of noni juice is in the fight against cancer.

Noni Juice Fights Cancer

As one of the deadliest diseases known to man, cancer is closely studied as researchers continue to look for a cure. For those looking into alternative treatments, noni juice is proving to be a potential option. Hawaii's Cancer Research Center has been studying noni's potential as a cancer fighter for the last two years; the preliminary findings are promising. For the purpose of the study, noni is used in pill form. Another research study from 1999 also showed favorable results in using noni juice to fight tumor growth in mice.

What is Noni?

Native to tropical regions like the Hawaiian Islands, the fruit of the noni tree resembles a bumpy potato. It has long been revered by the people of these tropical regions, as they have known for generations what many are just now discovering about the healing powers of noni and its juice. It is believed that noni's nutritional value is due in part to the nutrient-rich soil found in tropical regions.

What can it Do?

The list of what noni juice can do is long. From boosting the immune and cardiovascular systems to improving digestive health and energy levels, noni juice is proving to be a multi-faceted tool in the quest for better health. Noni juice is also believed to be a powerful antioxidant, helping to flush toxins and remove free radicals from the body.

Are There Any Drawbacks?

If there is any drawback to noni juice, it is the taste. Since the recommendation is to start with one ounce per serving, and then to gradually increase the amount, most find the flavor to be tolerable. Some also mix the serving of juice with other juices or smoothies.

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