Organic Supplements and You

It is virtually impossible to get all of the essential vitamins and minerals--in the proper amounts--through one's daily diet alone. Organic food supplements can fill in the gaps and give the body what it needs for optimal performance. From antioxidants and vitamins to enzymes and minerals, supplements provide a wide array of nutritional value. Furthermore, organic supplements contain what the body needs without adding things it doesn't need.

The Reality of Our Typical Diet

Standard processing and cooking have negative impacts on food's natural enzymes. Every decade, the body loses approximately 13% of the enzymes contained in the raw versions of food. The human body also does not process enzymes efficiently, which means even greater deficiencies.

What We Know About Supplements

While much attention has been focused on the need for adding vitamin supplements, minerals are often overlooked. However, minerals are an integral part of the body's process of absorbing vitamins and are therefore a key component in the nutritional equation.

More About Minerals

There are two types of minerals: bulk and trace. Bulk minerals are integral to bones, teeth, and other parts of the body. Trace minerals are found in much smaller quantities, but are just as important to optimal body functions. Without minerals, the body cannot maintain a healthy pH balance. Additionally, minerals help conduct the electrical impulses necessary for nervous system function. Clearly, minerals are a vital component of daily nutrition needs.

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